Benefits of Papaya
Papaya bears the scientific name of Carica papaya, a species of genus that grows fertile in tropical climates. Expected to originate from southern Mexico and northern United States, the spread already covers the whole world.Papaya fruit can be consumed to block the stomach or treatment because it has a lot of good content to protect the body from various diseases. Soft meat helps many people launch their previously stuck BAB, because this fruit is easily digested.Nearly 50% of vitamins are stored in papaya fruit, so it is impossible if papaya does not play an important role in controlling a person's health condition. To find out, you can get to know the benefits of papaya for health and traditional medicine from the following explanation.
1. Skin HealthPapaya has an active role in the field of beauty and health, one for the skin surface in terms of moisturizing or enlightening and refresh the dull skin. This is caused by the content of vitamins A, C and E in papaya fruit.
2. Raising Men's Vital ToolThe content of arginine enzymes stored in papaya fruit is capable of boosting blood flow in the area. P. Argarine boosts the production of nitric acid in the body to relax the muscles around the blood vessels, as a result. P will enlarge in a significant time as the amount of enzyme arginine that enters the body.3. Optimizing Digestive FunctionIt has been described that papaya can launch constipation, this is because the high fiber content in papaya fruit can be absorbed perfectly by the body's digestive system. While the antioxidant content is able to clean up the rest of the food in the intestine and throw it through the sewer.4. Meminilasir Risk of Damaged EyesIf you are a person who constantly gazes at the screen every day, meet the need for vitamin A to keep your eyes healthy and fresh. The trick is the routine consumption of papaya meat at certain hours, for example after meals or rest periods. Thus the risk of eye damage is getting smaller.
5. Ward off Free RadicalsIf the body has free radicals, the skin will bear various problems such as wrinkles. For that if you do not want to look old at a young age, diligent, diligent eating papaya fruit because the content of antioxidants able to ward off free radicals.
6. The Remedy of Snake BitesHandling is required as soon as possible if you are bitten by a venomous snake. Prepare 5 segments of papaya root fingers, wipe with water, smooth with ground, balurkan this drug on bitten skin. After that wrapped with a cloth, change 2 times a day
7. Bladder MedicationCan be burned or exposed to a hot exhaust, immediately treat with this herb. Take the skin of papaya fruit, wring it out and get the sap. Apply to skin blister evenly, let stand all day. If the blistering skin is too wide, use pulverized papaya fruit to treat it.
8. Fever or Malaria DrugsTake a piece of orange leaf, crushing it to fill 1/2 cup. Pour water as much as 3/4 cup, and insert salt. Squeeze the papaya leaves, strain the water and drink 3 times a day. This treatment you can do at least 5 days in a row in a week.
9. Drug To Increase AppetiteYou or your baby are not appetite? Try taking drugs to stimulate this appetite. How to pluck a sheet of papaya leaves, wash and crush with hands. Add salt and water bit by bit as much as 1/4 cup, squeeze the leaves. The water is drunk until it runs out.
10. Flu DrugsPetik 2 pieces of young papaya leaves, crushed, pour water, then squeezed. Add salt and drink papaya juice twice daily for children dose, and 4 times a day for adult dose.
11. Dental MedicineSimply by dripping the sap of young papaya leaves on sick teeth using cotton. Do it until all the bacteria are killed and the toothache subsides.
Thus a brief explanation of the benefits of papaya for health and traditional medicine. You need to remember that the material written here is only additional information, not intended to be the main reference, medical treatment or substitute for expert and medical advice.
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