Extraordinary benefits Yogurt for health and beauty
Nowadays technology is not only usable and creating highly sophisticated electronics. But food and how to dress or lifestyle has grown to become more sophisticated. So do not be surprised if a lot of food popping up in the present. Moreover, many people are now re-promoting healthy lifestyles and healthy food for their daily needs. Especially because fast food and fatty foods are sold and are easier to obtain. Yogurt is a preparation of milk.
2). Smooth digestionYogurt that has a sour and fresh taste can help you in digestion. Probiotics can actually launch the intestines to digest your food. As well as fruits as well as other fermented foods. The content of probiotics in yoghurt counted very much. Although including bacteria, but not to worry because the bacteria in question is a good bacteria.
3). Lowering blood pressureYogurt contains a lot of potassium that is useful for people with hypertension to lower blood pressure without causing side effects. For some people with hypertension, yogurt can be a juice or milk substitute in the morning. Especially because it tastes sour yoghurt, will feel refreshing and different for people with hypertension. Sometimes people with high blood pressure feel tense and congested, requiring refreshing food.
4). Increase the body's immuneBecause it contains many nutrients including vitamins and minerals, yogurt can help you in boosting the immune system. Not only that you also will not easily susceptible to a disease, especially those associated with viruses and bacteria.
5). Strengthens white blood cellsThe fermented ingredients contain probiotics, including yoghurt. Apparently probiotics can help you in maintaining and strengthening white blood cells in the fight against disease. It has to do with the previous points that strengthen the body's immune. White blood cells are important, because they act as a poison eater and also fight infections in the blood.
6). Reduce yeast infectionsIt turns out the fungus can harm the body and can infect our bodies. Well, yogurt can keep it all. Especially the fungus that attacks the female vital tool. Because it requires a strong acid, consumption of yoghurt will play an important role. With its content that has anti-bacterial and also prevent fungal infections with acid, then you do not worry anymore.
7). Avoid bowel diseaseFermented food ingredients precisely protect the intestines well. Intestinal diseases are highly avoided because of the difficulty in treating them. But yogurt can help cure intestinal diseases that often attack because of food errors and often eat foods that cause injuries, such as spicy or sour.
8). Reduce diarrheaAlthough it can digest but do not worry, the fact yoghurt can reduce the occurrence of disease in the stomach due to active culture in yoghurt. That way diarrhea can stop and stomach trying to digest food properly. While diarrhea is the effect of eating wrong and how the intestines digest the food wrongly.
9). Lose weightFor those of you who calm diet, you do not have to always consume orange juice. Apparently you can eat yogurt as your diet drink. Yogurt contains ingredients such as vitamin C and potassium that help burn stored fat in the body. Even some studies have proven that yogurt intake can burn fat.
10). Reduce colon cancerColon cancer is one type of cancer that many feared by the public. Because the intestine is an organ that is considered vulnerable, it must be maintained food intake. One of them yoghurt that has active culture that can protect you from terkenanya tissue that causes colon cancer.
11). Keeping the red blood cellsRed blood cells are as important as white blood cells. This cell must be normal and must be maintained. Red blood cells should not be too much or little. In yoghurt contained ingredients such as vitamins, zinc, iodine, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and many more that can nourish the body and keep red blood cells.
12). Maintain the nervous systemIt turns yoghurt can help keep the nervous system. It is important that the nervous system in the body can continue to work actively and
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